CW Machine Worx Has Your Livestock Management Site Dust Control Solution
Does your livestock site have a dust or odor control system? Do you want to have cooler, more productive dairy cattle to move into the milking parlor? Is your livestock site near local businesses and residential areas?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, fugitive dust and odor are present and could cause issues for your associates, suppliers, and local businesses and residents. You need a dust and odor control system for your livestock management that is portable, reliable, and effective.
Use of misting cannons keeps your associates out of harm’s way as well as helping with odor control. Cooling your dairy cattle before the milking process can also assist with increased volume. When you reduce dust and odor on your livestock site, you can help avoid problems. Our misting cannons aid in odor and dust suppression for people at your facility and in the surrounding areas. We make it easy to purchase or rent the perfect misting cannon for your livestock site.
CW Machine Worx offers multiple dust suppression equipment options that make it easy to control fugitive dust and odor on your livestock site. Our diesel-powered HAWC/ Dust Destroyer has the power and range you need. This total odor and dust suppression solution covers a throw range of up to 300+ feet and offers remote control oscillation up to 360 degrees (196,000 sq. ft. coverage).
For smaller livestock areas, take a look at our Dust Demolisher. Electric powered, mounted on a trailer with a generator set, and with a total coverage of up to 115,700 square feet, this machine is the ultimate misting cannon for smaller coverage areas. For very tight areas, our smaller Dust Regulator is the perfect portable solution. All of these products perform well for cooling cattle, controlling odor, and suppressing fugitive dust.
If your livestock site has a dust control issue or you want to cool your dairy cattle for increased output, you can rent one of our HAWC 300-80-D diesel misting cannons to limit fugitive dust, control odor, and cool livestock.