We Have Your Landfill Site Dust Control Solution
Landfill sites primarily need to worry about the negative effects of fugitive dust and silica dust. A Dust Destroyer or Dust Demolisher will reduce dust and keep your worksite healthier and safer. We have your full-service solution to landfill dust control.
Does your landfill have dust or odor control needs? Do you have a need to apply alternative daily cover products? Do your incoming or outgoing trucks create dust issues on your haul roads and tipping areas? Does your site have leachate disposal issues?
Does your landfill have dust or odor control needs? Do you have If you answered yes to any or all of those questions, asbestos and silica dust are probably present and could cause issues for your employees, suppliers, and visitors to your landfill site. You need an effective odor and dust control system for your location that’s powerful and portable. Residual fugitive dust can cause health issues in employees and result in clogging of air filters on your equipment.
You can aid in dust relief and future odor and dust prevention for local businesses or residences near your facility with a misting cannon. We make it easy to purchase or rent the correct dust and odor control system for your landfill.
CW Machine Worx offers multiple dust suppression equipment options that make it easy to control all types of dust and odor at your landfill. Our diesel-powered HAWC Dust Destroyer has all the power you need. This total dust suppression solution has a coverage of 196,000 sq. ft. with a throw range of up to 300+ feet and remote control oscillation up to 360 degrees.
If your landfill site has a dust or odor control issue, you can rent one of our HAWC 300-80-D misting cannons to limit fugitive dust from leaving your site. The same misting cannon can be used to evaporate leachate from your ponds or spray an alternative daily cover over the working face. All of these can help reduce health and safety concerns for your associates, as well as local businesses or residences.